Below are some of the volunteer positions we currently have available:


Oversees the recruitment and renewing of members for the chapter. Through recognition and empowerment of members this committee ensures individuals feel valued and connected to the organization and organizational endeavors.

Chair: Jim Beyer    Co-Chair: Vacant


Seeks opportunities for community involvement, plans, coordinates quarterly events to strengthen the surrounding communities. This committee also introduces youth to aviation and science through local and national programs.

Chair: Sundiata Menelik    Co-Chair: Vacant


Coordinates and manages flight simulator sessions through Offutt Air Force Base and University of Nebraska Omaha, enabling youth an opportunity to have a firsthand experience in the cockpit.

Chair: Kerry White    Co-Chair: Vacant


Establishes/fulfills the vision of the organization, reinforcing the awareness of the Alfonza W. Davis chapter; working closely with the Chamber of Commerce and local businesses. Additionally this committee manages the web presence of the organization (twitter, facebook and website). May also be required to work with local and base news entities.

Chair: Vacant    Co-Chair: Vacant


Recognizes volunteers and local business participation for events. Also, creates and presents recognition initiatives to perpetuate the chapter’s existence and enhance marketing efforts. This may include on base and in school initiatives, requiring the committee to work closely with school and military leadership.

Chair: Vacant    Co-Chair: Vacant


Working closely with the Treasurer, this committee ensures the chapter remains capable of operating by meeting financial goals and develops budgets for community events and the recognition committee.

Chair: Vacant    Co-Chair: Vacant